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Hello and Welcome:

Over the summer of 2010 I began to ask myself, "what do you do if two of our Rights, as citizens of these United States, are diametrically opposed?" I came to the only viable conclusion: you compromise. Our great Nation works when there is compromise.

Right now most of you will agree with me that our political system is broken. What we currently have is: the politics of destruction; special interest groups who have the power and money to dictate policy; politicians who must spend their time raising money for the next election instead of doing the People's business; and, there are those who are so concerned about getting re-elected they cede their responsibilities to the citizenry to those groups making the loudest noises and the greatest threats.

The attacks that we were inundated with during the this election cycle belittled the democratic process. Shame on everyone involved. And, shame on the political obstructionists who are more interested in gaining and maintaining power than doing the people’s business. During these very difficult times all of us should be supporting our President. The challenge for all of us is, how do we improve upon this imperfect union that we call the United States of America? One thing I know for is not by dividing us.

I can remember when I was sixteen years old there was a day when my father called out to me, "Jackie, come quickly. You have to hear this. It's Winston Churchill. Come listen." I raced to the radio and for the first time heard a recording of Churchill's speech to a Nation standing alone against the greatest evil the world has ever known: "...we shall defend our island no matter what the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; and we shall not surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until in God's good time, the New World, with all it's power and might, steps forth to the rescue and liberation of The Old."

That day my hero was born. Where are our heroes today? jkt

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Not for You and Me

Don't you get it, America? The Republicans have hated every social safety net that has been put in place including Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare and, even Medicaid for the poor (all enacted by Democrats, I might add). Why do you think they started two wars and did not raise taxes to pay for them? Why do you think that at the same time they cut taxes on the rich, wiping out the Clinton era surplus, and turned us into a debtor Nation?  Why do you think they continue to cut more and more taxes on big business and the wealthy, swelling our debt even further? I’ll tell you why. So that they can claim that there is no money for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. There is no money for education, Public Broadcasting, the environment, science, the fact no money for anything that uplifts and improves upon our lives. You want proof? Look at Donald Trump’s proposed budget. There is only money for the military/industrial complex and the ensuing enrichment of its stakeholders. As President Eisenhower put it, beware of that.


Recently a man approached Republican Congressmen at a baseball practice in Alexandria, VA and shot 5 people. I remember watching on the news as the Tea Party protesters, armed with guns, harassed and terrorized Democratic legislators on the Capitol steps during the Obamacare debates. I have not forgotten that Democratic Representative Gabby Giffords, while meeting with her constituents, was shot in the head and six people died, including federal District Court Chief Judge John Roll; Gabe Zimmerman, one of Rep. Giffords' staffers; and a nine-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green. I have not forgotten all of the venom and hate-mongering coming from the Republicans and their Fox News surrogates over the past ten years or more. Where exactly did Republicans think this was going to end? Did they really believe that they could promulgate violence and hatred against Democrats all of these years and it would not eventually end in violence turned against them? Did the Republican Congressmen really believe that they could lift gun control laws and that those guns would not eventually be turned on them? ENOUGH.