Yesterday, October 5, 2010, A 67-year-old Delaware man was viciously attacked by 4 Cane Corsos.

Did you know that the Ohio House has passed legislation that would remove the "vicious dog" designation from the pit bull breeds, further exposing the public to danger? Currently dogs commonly known as a Pit Bull must be confined on the owner's property by means of a locked fenced yard, a locked dog pen that has a top, or some other locked enclosure that has a top (such as a house). This law applies not only to pure bred American Pit Bull dogs, but also to other pure bred and mixed breed dogs that have similar physical and/or behavioral characteristics. Owners of these dogs must also maintain at least $100,000 of liability insurance coverage. The maximum penalty for any violation is a $1,000 fine and up to six months imprisonment. These minimal protections offered up by the State are soon to be eliminated.
Records in Delaware County Municipal Court show that the owner of the 4 Cane Corso dogs, involved in yesterday's attack, has been charged six times since 2001 with allowing his dogs to run free. It's time for the Courts to take vicious animals seriously and quit giving owners a slap on the wrist when charged.
Where are our heroes? Is there no one who will stand up to special interest groups who have the power and money to dictate policy? Then there are those who are so concerned about getting re-elected they cede their responsibilities to the citizenry to those groups making the loudest noises and the greatest threats. Shame on all of them.